Provide stock datafeed for top stock exchange

The most reliable, Real-Time update stock data

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Datafet provides data for AmiBroker, Metastock, Optuma, Timing Solution & MT4

Datafet gets raw data from stock exchange and convert them to the format readable by Metastock or Metatrader. Users can see stock charts using any technical software which supports data format from the two above. Datafet supports data eod and intraday with timeframe 5 minutes

If you want to use portable version, you can download file below, extract and start file Datafet.exe to use the app immediately without installation (Download Portable)

Amibroker: trading analysis software comes with prepacked technical analysis software and you can also use their scripting features to create your own trading strategies. You should install 2 version of Amibroker for convenience, one used for viewing eod chart, the other for viewing intraday chart
Metastock: an award-winning charting software & market data platform. Scan markets, backtest, & generate buy & sell signals for stocks, options & more
Metatrader: MT4 is a free-of-charge Forex trading platform. It offers wide technical analysis options, flexible trading system, algorithmic and mobile trading (Download MT4).

For list of supported stock exchanges

World Data Plugin for Amibroker

This plugin can get real-time stock data for most major stock exchanges in the World.

Datafet and World data plugin are two different products. Datafet can support data for Amibroker, Metastock and MT4 but World data plugin only support Amibroker.

When you register trial, you have 10 days for free updating stock data for all stock exchanges. After that period, you need to buy the data package in order to continue to update stock data.
World Data Plugin Datafet Datafet+World Data Plugin
6 Months 25$ 30$ 45$
12 Months 40$ 50$ 80$
Help Document World plugin guideline Datafet guideline
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Plugin for AmiBroker, Metastock & MT4

You need to add this data plugin into AmiBroker's Plugins folder in order to view data provided by Datafet

If you use windows 7, you need to install .NET 4.5 from this link  .NET Framework 4.5
If you use Metastock, you should use tool MetaStockRefresher to automatically refresh chart. This tool is free and can be download from   MetaStock Refresher
If you use MT4, you copy this indicator to indicator folder of MT4 to automatically refresh chart in MT4. Make sure you choose "Allow DLL imports" when use the indicator  Metatrader Refresher
To view chart 30M, 1H,.. in MT4 you can use this indicator Converter and follow the guideline Config Converter

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